Sunday, November 2, 2014

Review: Love Nouveau by: B.L. Berry

Synopsis: The only thing inevitable in loveis despair.

I knew from the start that he would wreck me.
Nothing could have prepared me for the day he walked into my life ...
or the day he walked out of it.

I self-destructed.

All that remained was a shell of the girl I once was.

And I don't know if I'll ever recover.

Review: (I received this novel from the author for an honest review.)

Where do I start?  I suppose the beginning sounds like a perfect spot.  From the very first page I had a feeling, perhaps it was instinct, that I would love this book.  I am happy to report that gut feeling was correct.   The author had me from the prologue and never lost me.  I was drawn in by the author's use of words and descriptions.   Each word and phrase was gracefully painted upon the canvas of each page.  Pure perfections.  I cannot think of another novel in which I highlighted more passages.  

The plot was well thought out and deceiving.  Ivy and Phoenix's relationship was unique.  Most romance books are saturated with so much sex, that it is hard to comprehend how the characters can function, but that lust-filled relationship was no where to be found in this novel.  Ivy ans Phoenix started off innocent enough and slowly built over the course of the book.  It was thrilling to watch.

I would like to congratulate the author on a stellar curve ball.  I never saw it coming. 

I am interested to see what happens next. :)

Happy reading!!

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